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We will miss you.

Thank you for listening to your body signals. I understand that your Intuition is telling you that this is right for you now.

Wishing you success and blessings on your journey going forward!

Maybe see you again one day…

Your desire to have more has turned you into a personal development junkie.

The truth is, you’re not the problem. You have a problem.

The problem is you’ve been listening to people who tell you to think yourself into wealth, journal, moodboard and say affirmations until you’re blue in the face.

You can be anything that you are, and you can have anything that you want. You don’t have to change or fix yourself. It’s just that you’ve been following things people said to you that don’t actually work because they miss the one thing that makes all the difference in manifesting like clockwork: being in the correct structure.

…remember, no-change, no-mind, and no-wanting is required only…